Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Time has gone by so fast! My little girl isn't little anymore. She just turned seven and these last seven years have gone by so fast. In seven years she will be fourteen! The last couple of days i have really sat back to see my kids and smile at the little things they do. I really need to take more time out of my day to appreciate their little spirits.
Baby Havala has filled our home with love and happiness. After losing Clem there was an emptiness in our home. We will never forget Clem and we love her dearly but after having Hava, out home has come to life. It is amazing how these little children have their character at such a young age. Hava is high maintenance, funny and very clever.
We are in our third year of law school and we can finally begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. May can't get here soon enough and Dan is ready to be done! I have been working and homeschooling and it's been rough but i know that this havoc schedule will end soon. I love homeschooling and i love having my kids with me even if they drive me crazy. I get to decide what Ani learns and she is also taking piano lessons from a wonderful lady we know. . . She loves it! Kai has recently become more and more interested in home school but im not going to push him.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Update on US

Daniel finished his first year in Law School and he is working at the Public Defenders' office here in Naples as an intern. Even though he isn’t getting paid he is learning a whole lot. He loves being able to go to the jail, which he does almost every day. He is also the Scout Master in our ward, I think he likes that too. He is very much excited about being able to go to camp for a week with the boys, he needs a break and I know he’ll have fun. Even though I will miss him and be so scared at night.

Aniseth graduated from Pre-school. There are some pictures below. Even though her school was only 3 hours a day every day, she learned a lot. She learned her ABC’s, numbers from 1 to 100 (with a little help), and is now learning to read. She made a few friends and whenever she couldn’t go to school b/c something would come up, she would get mad at me. :) She is very excited to go on to Kindergarten. I am excited too b/c I know she will love it. She has also learned to clean her room, and she does a pretty good job at it. She helps out a whole lot with Kai too. She is a great big sister and is very excited for the new baby. When I told her that I was having a baby she got so excited. Then she got kind of sad and I asked what was wrong. She then asked “is the baby going to die like Clementine?” I then explained  to her that Clementine was sick and that she passed away but that she was in heaven with Heavenly Father. I told her that if we prayed for the baby to be ok that the baby would be ok, her next question was “can we pray now?” and I said “of course.” So we then said a little prayer, I had her offer the prayer and it was so cute. Even though I am scared of what the future may hold with this pregnancy, I am happy to know that my little girl has faith. :)

Kai has been growing more and more every day. In a previous post I blogged about Daniel being Mr. Rogers b/c every time he would come home from anywhere he would go straight to the room and change. It happened several times a day. Kai is Mr. Rogers Jr. :) When we go out I get him dressed but as soon as he gets home he changed into his pajamas. He loves his pajamas and I don’t blame him b/c pajamas are quite comfortable. I think it’s cute and it shows his character. Right? He still doesn’t clean his room by himself but as long as we help him he helps too. He still loves the moon and loves cars, planes, stars and more but I think those are his faves. From watching Ani repeat her shapes, letters and numbers he has picked up a lot from her. He knows most of his basic shapes, he knows and loves the letters X and O, and he can count to 5 sometimes higher. I think he is going to loves pre-school in 2 years.

I am doing well, dealing with the pregnancy symptoms is a little hard but I feel like I have no right to complain. Maybe I should not think that way but that is how I feel. I am working on it. I have 1 calling at church but I do way more than what my calling requires me to do. I am 2nd counselor in the primary but I also am also the music leader, activity days leader and nursery teacher. Yes, it’s a lot but it’s not that bad b/c I don’t have much to do and so I have time. Daniel deserves to have a home cooked meal every day so I have been doing good with that. I am proud of my self for keeping it up. Even though I am scared of so many things with this pregnancy I pray every day to Heavenly Father to bless me and the baby. I am way excited and my due date is December 29th.

Rachelle came to visit last month and it was way fun. We mostly just went to the beach and got sand everywhere! I am not a big fan of sand, yes it’s beautiful but it’s not so much fun with you haves kids and there is a whole pound of sand in their underwear. I deal with it. We don’t go to to the beach much cause the kids prefer the pool, which we have right here on our apartment complex. It’s great! We just have to walk a couple minutes and we are there!

That is it for today. :)

Stake Princess Activity


Romina, Jennifer, Sis. Lopez, Karla, ME, and Laura



Ani graduated from Pre-School!






The whole time she didn’t want to smile showing her teeth b/c the lost 2 of her front teeth. She was soo excited!